Welcome to TechUsual’s Disclaimer page. We’re glad you’re here! This Disclaimer is all about setting some ground rules for using our website, TechUsual.

Information Accuracy

While we do our best to provide accurate and up-to-date information on TechUsual, we want to be upfront with you: sometimes mistakes happen. We can’t guarantee that everything you find here will be perfect, so please use your judgment and double-check anything important.

Professional Advice

The content on TechUsual is meant for learning and sharing, not for making big decisions. We’re not professionals, so if you need serious advice, it’s best to consult someone who is.

Disclaim Third-Party Liability

We like collaborating with others, but we can’t take responsibility for their actions. If you come across content, services, or products from third parties on our site, remember that we’re not making any promises about them.


We’re all about transparency here. While we strive to be accurate, we’re only human. Please let us know if you spot any mistakes or inaccuracies, and we’ll do our best to fix them.


You might see some stories from folks who’ve used our products or services. Everyone’s experience is unique, so don’t assume that what worked for them will work for you.

Third-Party Websites

We’re all about sharing helpful information, but we can only vouch for some things you’ll find on other websites linked from TechUsual. They’re independent entities, so their accuracy and reliability are out of our hands.

Changes to the Website

We’re always looking for ways to improve TechUsual, which means things change occasionally. We’ll do our best to keep you posted on significant updates but don’t be surprised if you see some tweaks here and there.

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